Insurtech broker Pathpoint launches cyber E&S capability

Digital E&S distributor Pathpoint has launched a new capability allowing independent retail agents to access numerous cyber quotes from multiple carriers through a single online application.


The new product allows for multiple quotes based on only nine underwriting questions.

“Agents were telling us that quoting cyber is a top priority for them in 2021, especially with the increased risks their clients face from remote working,” said Bobby Touran, co-founder and CEO of Pathpoint.

The new cyber quoting product is delivered through Pathpoint’s online platform with the insurtech serving as the surplus lines agent and handling all servicing and compliance on the back-end.

This represents the first in a series of business lines that Pathpoint plans to release on its platform throughout 2021.

San Francisco-based Pathpoint is a surplus lines brokerage licensed across the US and a Lloyd’s coverholder.