Coming soon: The Insurer TV

Exclusive news, interviews, panel debates and thought leadership in a new, multimedia format.

As we navigate through uncertain times, The Insurer has prioritised the development of a brand new channel to ensure you keep up to speed with critical industry trends in 2021.

The Insurer TV will allow you to access thought-provoking and challenging content that can help you understand how the industry’s key themes are evolving and how your business should respond.

Through our range of video content we will bring you up-to-date commentary and debate around topical events featuring some of the industry’s most respected figures.

Register your interest now to receive all content directly to your inbox as soon as it is published. 

More details to be revealed soon… Stay tuned!

Get in touch to find out more:

Spencer HalladeyCommercial directorTel: +44 (0) 7540

Andy StoneSales managerTel: +44 (0) 7834